Jim Uren CFP ®

Financial Advisor

You want a retirement that is fulfilling and significant and one that reaches your greatest financial potential, but you’re worried that you’re not doing everything you could or should be doing to prepare.  You know you’re capable of more, but there are too many other things that demand your time and energy.  Besides, you want a retirement that is more than just paying your bills – you want a retirement that allows you to live a fuller life.

I understand.  For many years now, I have served as a financial guide to couples and individuals just like you who have enjoyed amazing personal and professional success, but whose commitments to family, work and service leave little room for effectively managing their family wealth or planning for retirement.

That is why I do what I do – to help you take the worry out of managing your financial life so you can create a fuller retirement for you and your family.

To schedule your complimentary Discovery Meeting, simply call my office at (847) 520-5545.